Chinese Solar Terms

China has a unique way of marking the change of seasons through the 24 solar terms. This traditional system has been used for over 2000 years to help farmers determine the best time for planting and harvesting crops. However, the solar terms have also become an important part of Chinese culture and are celebrated in various ways throughout the country.


The 24 Solar Terms

The 24 solar terms are divided into two categories: the major solar terms (大气节) and the minor solar terms (小气节). The major solar terms mark the beginning of each season, while the minor solar terms mark the middle of each season. Each solar term lasts about 15 days and is associated with a specific natural phenomenon or agricultural activity.

Some of the major solar terms include:

- 立春 (Lìchūn): the beginning of spring

- 立夏 (Lìxià): the beginning of summer

- 立秋 (Lìqiū): the beginning of autumn

- 立冬 (Lìdōng): the beginning of winter

Some of the minor solar terms include:

- 小雪 (Xiǎoxuě): the first snowfall

- 芒种 (Mángzhòng): the beginning of the wheat harvest

- 大暑 (Dàshǔ): the hottest period of the year

- 白露 (Báilù): the appearance of dew on the grass

Celebrations and Traditions

The 24 solar terms are celebrated in various ways throughout China, with many festivals and traditions associated with each term. For example, the Spring Festival (春节 Chūnjié) is celebrated on the first day of the lunar year, which usually falls around the solar term 立春 (Lìchūn). During this time, families gather together to eat traditional foods, set off fireworks, and exchange red envelopes filled with money.

Another important festival is the Dragon Boat Festival (端午节 Duānwǔjié), which is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, around the solar term 芒种 (Mángzhòng). During this festival, people eat zongzi (sticky rice dumplings) and race dragon boats on rivers and lakes.


The 24 solar terms are an important part of Chinese culture and provide a unique way of marking the change of seasons. Understanding solar terms can also give us insight into traditional agricultural practices and the natural world. Whether you're in China or just interested in Chinese culture, exploring the 24 solar terms can be a fascinating and rewarding experience.

This article briefly introduces the cultural significance of China's 24 solar terms. Each solar term has unique cultural and natural significance and is usually associated with agriculture and meteorology. In subsequent articles, we will provide detailed backgrounds and celebration activities for each solar term. Thank you for reading.

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